Commemorate World Hepatitis Day With ZAFA
The entire world observes July 28th as the world hepatitis day, it is the birth date of Dr. Baruch Blumberg who discovered the virus hepatitis B in 1967, and developed the first hepatitis B vaccine 2 years later. The world commemorates World Hepatitis Day to raise awareness of the problem of viral hepatitis, which impacts the lives of more than 325 million people worldwide.
In honor of the world hepatitis day, ZAFA pharmaceuticals pays respect to all those going through the virus and the survivors of Hepatitis. ZAFA has also decided to aware the society about the severity of this disease in order to help more people to avoid it.
Hepatitis is basically the swelling and inflammation of the liver. Liver in your body, acts as the engine, refinery plant and a storage house; converting nutrients from your food for vital function for muscles, energy, hormones, clotting and immune factors.
So when the liver is inflamed or swollen, its functions will surely be negatively affected. It is commonly caused by a viral infection, but there are definitely other possible causes of hepatitis. The other stuff that can damage the liver and cause hepatitis is heavy alcohol use, toxins, smoking, some medications, and certain medical conditions. Hepatitis can also be spread by exchange of fluids such as blood, semen, etc from an infected individual.
There are 5 types of Hepatitis; Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis D, and Hepatitis E. Pakistan is a country with the second highest prevalence of hepatitis C in the world after Egypt. The prevalence of hepatitis C in Karachi has been estimated to be between 5% to 10%.
Treatment options for each type differ but mainly a person with hepatitis needs to follow a healthy, well-balanced diet. To help the body process food better and function at its best, one also needs to make sure to drink plenty of fluids.
Water is better than caffeinated drinks like coffee and cola. That diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains such as oats, brown rice, barley, and quinoa, lean protein such as fish, skinless chicken, egg whites, and beans, low-fat or non-fat dairy products and healthy fats like those in nuts, avocados, and olive oil.
ZAFA Pharmaceuticals as the top pharmaceutical company of Pakistan deems this as an important responsibility to aware the society here with the health threats especially something as serious as hepatitis because if it is left untreated it can be deadly. So ZAFA pharmaceuticals urge the Pakistani society to take care of their livers and reach out to medical help if something feels wrong.