ZAFA Defends Pakistan Against AIDS Symptoms This December

ZAFA Defends Pakistan Against AIDS Symptoms This December

When we think of December nearing us we know we are entering the month of winter breeze, holidays, and warm cups of beverages but we don’t put our mind to the fact that we are also entering the month medically dedicated solely to spread awareness on HIV/AIDS.

For ZAFA Pharmaceuticals health comes first above all other interests even winter festivities; hence this blog is to support the HIV/AIDS awareness campaign, to educate people on the causes of AIDS in Pakistan, and to discuss AIDS symptoms.

In Pakistani society, talks and discussions about such health conditions are rarely encouraged which is of immaculate importance; learning basics about HIV and the causes of AIDS in Pakistan can keep the society healthy and secure to an extended level.


Before getting into deeper waters let us get to know a little more about the problem. HIV is short for human immunodeficiency virus which is a virus that attacks the immune system of the body and if not treated this leads to AIDS which is short for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

HIV was introduced in humans through a type of chimpanzee in Central Africa far back in the 1800s. The chimpanzee version is named Simian immunodeficiency virus and was passed on to humans when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat; hence they came in contact with their infected blood. Over the years HIV spread from across Africa to other parts of the world.

HIV currently has no effective cure so once a person comes in contact with it they have it for life but proper medical care can control HIV to a certain healthy level but if left untreated it affects and kills CD4 cells, which are a type of immune cell called T cell.


HIV is known to be transmitted through bodily fluids including blood, semen, vaginal and rectal fluids, and breast milk. The misinformation regarding this exchange is that the virus can be transferred in shared air, water, or casual contact with the affected person which is false information.

HIV or AIDS is something that inserts itself into the human DNA which is why it is hard for scientists to find a way to eliminate such virus from the blood but the research is going on ever since and medical care has figured out a way through which they can manage HIV and live with the virus for many years through the treatment called antiretroviral therapy.

The causes of AIDS in Pakistan start with the basic problems of increasing poverty level and decreased level of literacy, especially amongst women. The Pakistani society keeps its distance from basic health and sanitary habits such as safe transfusion of blood, use of condoms, use of safe medical injection and health care practices, use of sterilized syringes, and no needle sharing practices.

Low levels of awareness among health workers, a large mobile population including refugees in border areas with both internal and external migrants, long-distance truck drivers are known to engage in sexual practices, social and economic disadvantages (especially for women and girls), the booming commercial sex industry and widespread indulgence in commercial sex with low levels of condom use puts the society at the high risk.


Usually after 2-4 weeks of exposure to the infection of HIV about 2/3rd people have flu-like symptoms which are considered the body’s normal response to the hazardous virus. These flu-like symptoms include fever, chills, rashes, night sweats, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes with mouth ulcers, muscle aches, and sore throat.

These symptoms in affected people are expected to last from a few days to weeks while some might not feel any symptoms occurring in the early stages. But if one suspects the HIV symptoms then getting immediately tested is the right way to go about it and if tested positive then the instant next step is to consult a doctor right away and get medical care as soon as possible. If you don’t get treatment as soon as it is needed your HIV symptoms turn into AIDS symptoms and that’s the worst part no one wants to visit.

The AIDS symptoms include rapid weight loss, recurring fever or night sweats, unexplainable tiredness, swelling of lymph glands in armpits, groin or neck, diarrhea is also included along with sores of mouth, anus or genitals, pneumonia is expected followed by memory loss, depression, and other severe neurological disorders.

The Pakistani society has fought hard against the cause of AIDS in Pakistan for a long time to maintain the low prevalence status quo and this blog is a contribution from ZAFA Pharmaceuticals in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

ZAFA Pharmaceuticals urges the Pakistani society to come together in such important discussions, take measurable precautions, take safe ways to get medically treated and ensure a safe, secure, and HIV/AIDS-free society. So let us all join hands with ZAFA Pharmaceuticals to defend Pakistan against AIDS symptoms this December.