World Health Day 2022-Building a Fairer, Healthier World
World Health day is celebrated annually on 7th April and marks the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization WHO in 1948. Since its inception as one of the agencies of the United Nations, WHO has carried out immensely valuable work, including the global eradication of smallpox and the implementation of a wide range of public health strategies.
World Health Day draws attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world. It is one of eight official global health annual campaigns marked by WHO, along with World Tuberculosis Day, World Immunization Week, World Malaria Day, World No Tobacco Day, World AIDS Day, World Blood Donor Day, and World Hepatitis Day.
World Health Day 2022 Theme:
Every year the WHO selects a theme which will be the health topic of concern and this year it is ‘Our Planet, Our Health’ which will explore the interconnectedness between our planet Earth and our health. The beauty of this year’s theme is how it makes each and every one of us responsible in creating better living conditions on planet Earth. It will help every individual to realize how the health of the planet is directly correlated to the health of its inhabitants and urge us to leave the planet better than we found it.
Health is one aspect of global concern which is given priority in every corner of the globe. Today 193 countries are members of WHO and the organization is still working to improve many aspects of health around the world.
WHO and Pakistan:
The role of an organization promoting health awareness and its imperativeness could not be stressed enough especially for developing countries like Pakistan where health issues take uncountable lives every year and basic health facilities are not accessible or affordable for all. Pakistan remains a charter member and participates in all of the UN’s specialized agencies and organizations including the WHO. This year too, like every year, on 7th April, a plethora of activities will be held to commemorate this day in the form of conferences for health workers, briefings for local politicians, informational displays for children, marches and demonstrations, and free medical camps.
ZAFA Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Private) Limited, one of the top pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan is driven since decades by the motto of ‘Medicines for All’. The company’s philosophy is clearly reflected in these three words and it endeavours to make health care options available to all and sundry. On the occasion of World Health Day, ZAFA salutes organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) who have worked tirelessly to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being of global citizens and vows yet again to contribute to making this world fairer and healthier one medicine at a time.