Three Reasons Why You Could Face Acidity

Three Reasons Why You Could Face Acidity

Acidity or acid reflux is the burning sensation you experience below the breastbone, in the stomach or throat caused when the gastric glands in the stomach create more acid than needed for the digestion process and this stomach acid flows back up into the food pipe.

It may be a once in a blue moon phenomenon for some of us but when it becomes frequent it can be distressing and even lead to gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. In severe conditions and when left untreated it can result in oesophagus damage and even increase the risk of oesophagus cancer. Acid reflux can damage the enamel of your teeth and even lead to cavities.

Have you experienced this uncomfortable and even painful burning sensation in your chest these days? Here are three things you might be doing that might be inviting acidity:

  1. Unhealthy eating habits:

When the discipline and routine of our lives goes haywire, this causes us to eat late meals, snack increasingly and over eat which is one of the top causes of acidity. Having too much caffeine and carbonated drinks, spicy and fat rich food can also cause heartburn. 

  1. Stress:

 Economic challenges have left every person in anxiety and the constant bombardment of distressing news on the media has made us stressed and anxious all the time as we worry about the health and safety of our loved ones. This stress can lead to stomach disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, tumours and ulcers. Many people have found respite in anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications. The side effects of such drugs can also be acidity.  

  1. Lack of physical exercise:

When active people with invigorating lifestyles suddenly find themselves at home, this reduces their chances of physical activity. Those who find that they do not have the time to exercise feel discomfort. This immobility can be a prime factor for acidity as lack of movement doesn’t allow proper digestion. 

If you are experiencing a burning sensation in the stomach or chest, are having problems in swallowing, burping or feeling a sour taste in the mouth followed by restlessness this could be the beginning of your battle with acidity.

The health experts at ZAFA, one of the top pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan, advise that you do not ignore these symptoms and treat heart burn and acidity immediately with ZAFA’s Famtaza and Zimes. 

Famtaza tablets (Famotidine) available in 20 mg and 40 mg is a potent H2 receptor antagonist that provides 100 percent symptomatic relief from acidity. Zimes is an Esomeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor that reduces gastroesosophageal reflux. 

Stay safe, stay healthy by making ZAFA Pharma products a part of your healthy regime.