The Word Neonatal Literary Means New Born

The word neonatal literally means newborn. Typically, these children are 28 days old or less. Pregnancy outcomes in Pakistan are poor. Facilities for labor in Pakistan are not satisfying . Studies have shown that there were 91,076 births in Pakistan between 2010 to 2018. Furthermore, the rate of stillbirths in Pakistan was 53.5 per 1000 births.
Why are newborns admitted to neonatal care?
Newborns can be admitted to neonatal care for a number of reasons. Some might be born prematurely, others might have a special medical condition. Some newborns are born underweight and have to be admitted for treatment.
What is the umbilical cord?
The umbilical cord is what joins the mother and the baby. During pregnancy, it is responsible for supplying nutrients and oxygen to your developing baby. After the birth of the baby, the umbilical cord is no longer needed, so it is clamped and snapped. Although it is cut off at the time of birth, it takes a few days to heal and can cause infection if left untreated. It should be noted that during the healing process, it is normal to see a little blood near the stump. the cord stump might bleed a little when it falls off.
What can be done in order to reduce the risk of infections?
To reduce the risk of infection by twenty percent the infant umbilical cord needs to be treated with an antiseptic gel. In a country like Pakistan where basic necessities of life are not available to people living in rural areas, these treatments are not present. Immediately after cutting the cord, cordiclean has to be applied on the stump and the tip of the cord. Repeat applying this gel at least through the first week. Clean and dry cord care is recommended for newborns at home and in other health facilities neonatal mortality settings. The stump should not be forcefully stretched or pulled; it will come off on its own.
Why are proper neonatal care necessities not available in rural areas?
People living in small villages are often financially unstable and uneducated. They do not understand how badly infections can affect the baby. Others do not have enough money and resources to admit their children to care centers or buy expensive medications. This is why Zafa medicines have made a gel using the same formula but much more affordable. This gel is a reasonable price so people of every or any class can buy cordiclean gel.
Why is awareness important especially in small villages?
In the villages where people are not aware of the importance of neonatal health, it is important that antiseptics like cordiclean reach them. This awareness is essential because people in small villages often use harmful traditional supplements like cow dung which can increase the risk of infection rather than reducing it.
How can cordiclean gel be applied?
The application process is also taught to people to minimize any risk of infections or mishaps. Both hands need to be washed before applying cordiclean gel. On the lid of the tube, a sharp protuberance is given which should be used to break the seal. Then, gently spread the gel on the stump of the remaining cord and surrounding areas using your index finger. After application, apply nothing else on the cord or surrounding areas and keep it clean and dry.
Neonatal care is of utmost importance after the child’s birth, there should be awareness programs held to make people realize the risks of cord infections. Cordiclean manufactured by Zafa, a top pharmaceutical company in Pakistan helps everyone achieve the best care possible. It removes the hindrance of money and makes medication accessible to everyone. Moreover, neonatal care needs to be given immediate attention, especially in a country like Pakistan where birth rates are so high and the population keeps increasing with each passing day.