Raining increases chances of Malaria, ZAFA Pharmaceuticals has a cure for you!

Some of us really like the rain, and actually look forward when the rainy season arrives. It brings a calm and serene note compared to the other sunny days, and it does feel good when it rains from time to time. We also know raining is good for our environment, and especially with a country like Pakistan, it cools down the atmosphere a notch and gives us some respite from the harsh summer weather.
Unfortunately rain also brings in more chances of diseases such as malaria, as cities like Karachi do not have a proper drainage system for the rain. This results in excessive rainfall getting stored in shallow areas which results in the birth of more mosquitos, and which eventually causes malaria to spread.
That is why, ZAFA Pharmaceuticals, one of the Top Pharmaceutical Companies in Pakistan, is spreading awareness to the serious and fatal effects malaria, and what medications we can take to cure ourselves from it!
What is Malaria, and How does it affect us?
Malaria is caused when a mosquito feeds on an infected human and takes in microscopic malarial parasites. These parasites get mixed with its saliva and later gets injected into another person it feeds upon later on. Malaria can also be transmitted from blood transfusions, needles, basically anything that allows infected blood to come in contact with another person’s blood.
Malaria causes flu – like illness, which includes: shaking chills, headaches, muscle aches, nausea etc.; Malaria may also cause jaundice and/or anemia due the loss of red blood cells. Malaria needs to be treated promptly, otherwise it may cause: kidney failure, coma, seizures, and eventually death.
But do not worry too much! as ZAFA Pharmaceuticals, one of the best Pharmaceutical Companies in Karachi, has the perfect remedy, making Malaria not such the life – threatening disease it once was. The proper medication, if received in due time, can avert one from such a horrible fate!
How to prevent and cure Malaria?
Malaria once was an incurable disease, and doctors could not do anything about it then. But now, thanks to the advancement in modern medicine, we now have the ability to cure it. ZAFA Pharmaceuticals is able to provide a list of medicines it produces, that can help you fight this once fatal disease:
1. Amdaquin
2. Arteza
3. Artesul
4. Arlufa
These are authentic medications that can help combat malaria, and can be taken by adults and children in prescribed dosages. These medications, are provided to you by one of the top Pharmaceutical Companies in Pakistan, so you do not need to worry it about being of second – grade quality! If you do have symptoms of Malaria, or you know anyone who shows symptoms of Malaria, get your (or theirs) blood checked right away, as it best to cure the disease as soon as possible, to prevent it getting any worse.
You can check out more about these medicines on zafa.com.pk. ZAFA Pharmaceuticals, one of the best Pharmaceutical Companies in Karachi, has also more seasonal, and new products which are authentic, and may just help you save yours, or you loved ones, life!