Mommy Matters..!!2nd Antenatal Session
Date: 22nd June 2019
Venue: Little Darlings by Zubaida’s Karachi
About the event:
Mommy Matters..!!
ZAFA proudly sponsored the 2nd Antenatal session by First Time Mommies Pakistan ; aimed at providing prenatal, antenatal and post natal awareness and guidance to women celebrating their first pregnancy.
* The program included a detailed session on prenatal care and post partum hemorrhage by Dr.Shazia Naseeb (Gynecologist & Obstetrician MBBS, FCPS, MCPS)
* An interactive post natal and infant care session by Dr. M.N.Lal (Pediatrician and Consultant Child Specialist, MBBS, MCPS, MD, DCH)
* Cholesterol, Glucose and HB tests by Agha Khan Hospital alman, Prenatal Exercise Specialist.
* Cholesterol, Glucose and HB tests by Agha Khan Hospital and informative sessions by Agha Khan Hospital panel of experts.