The gradual climatic changes in the world are not only affecting the environment of a place but also the health of individuals habituated in that environment. The continuous environmental change is mostly affecting the health of people in a negative way by giving rise to a number of diseases that are prevalent. Though the diseases are prevalent they can easily be transmitted to other people, primarily the usual symptoms of the prevalent disease are allergies, colds or flu, wet or dry cough, or some infections. Prevalence of disease has become so common because of the weak immune system of the individuals. Due to this reason, the transmission of the disease has become common from person to person or from airborne factors.
As the disease prevalence ratio is increasing then under such conditions the use of medication has become very important. Medicines basically help in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of diseases. People can protect themselves from dangerous diseases firstly by having healthy hygiene and secondly by following the right medical routine. The majority of the population in Pakistan usually opt for self-medication. One should understand the importance of medication and immediately consult health professionals but if you are opting for self-medication in case of any common disease symptoms like cold, flu, or cough then the right choice of medicine is mandatory.
Immediate medication for individuals is important because one can never know the exact reason for any diseased condition. It often happens that people usually misunderstand fatal diseases as common and cause a delay in medication that ultimately leads to serious conditions. Most of the time initial symptoms of the majority of the fatal or chronic diseases are either cold, flu, sore throat, or wet or dry cough that’s why they should be treated readily. Coughs are caused by several different reasons and are of two types wet and dry:
- wet/ productive cough results in mucus with cough as a reason of any infection
- while dry cough is caused by irritation in the airways during breathing.
The treatment of both is necessary since unusual coughing should not be taken for granted as it can cause serious diseased conditions because while coughing excessive pressure is exerted on the respiratory organs that could result in the inflammation of various parts of the respiratory tract and can cause diseases like nasal infection, pulmonary or esophageal inflammation, etc. The delay in medication of productive or dry cough can cause a persistent cough that could lead to fatal respiratory conditions like lung cancer.
For the treatment of coughs doctors or health consultants usually prescribe fluids that should be taken on time. Usually, cough syrups for dry cough or wet cough are very effective in such conditions. But the problem is there are a number of different brands of cough syrups for dry cough or productive cough from which you have to make the most effective or best cough syrup according to your condition. Keeping in sight this problem Zafa group of pharma has introduced Adicos Syrup which has been specifically formulated to treat productive or dry cough. Now the question arises: why Adicos Syrup should be prioritized over other cough syrups? There are many reasons for this like:
- This formulation is an active respiratory phlegm or mucus clearer.
- Provide ease in breathing by dilating air passage
- Alleviate respiratory irritation by overcoming tonsils inflammation
- The best choice for diabetic patients it does not raise the sugar level that usual ordinary cough syrups cause.
Zafa pharmaceuticals are trying their best to serve beneficial and effective medications. Adicos Syrup is the best example of this. You can take this best cough syrup after consulting your doctor or pharmacist. There are no such extreme side effects of this syrup up till now. Your pharmacist or doctor can prescribe its dosage which is usually two teaspoons after some specific time intervals. All the instructions necessary for use are given on its packaging. You can also order it online as it is available on various sites.You can easily get all the information of dosage or precautions about this cough syrup for dry cough/ productive cough from the site of Zafa pharmaceuticals.