Keep Yourself Safe from COVID-19
The coronavirus fear has gripped the world and created a frenzy. What adds to the terror is not knowing the complete facts and half-truths being disseminated without legitimate source or responsibility.
It is of prime importance to be aware of what the virus actually is and how it spreads, so that we may take precautions against it. According to the World Health Organization most people who become infected experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more severe for others.
ZAFA Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Private) Limited, for whom the health of every citizen is of high priority, urges people to follow these precautionary measures:
Wash your hands frequently
Make sure your hands are washed regularly and thoroughly with soap and water so that it washes off viruses that may be on your hands. Not just before and after meals but whenever you come in touch with common surfaces or return home from outdoors, make handwashing a regime for you and your family.
Maintain a social distance
As the coronavirus is spread from the liquid droplets from an infected person’s nose or mouth, thus if you find someone coughing or sneezing keep a safe distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet). You never know who is infected.
Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
Our hands make contact with all kinds of surfaces which may be contaminated and make us vulnerable to picking up viruses. These germs can then be transferred to your eyes, nose or mouth and enter your body thus infecting it.
Protect your respiratory tract
In light of the current health crisis, it is safer to cover your nose and mouth with a disposable mask. If you sneeze or cough, do so in a tissue and dispose of it properly, protecting yourself and others.
Consult a doctor in case of illness:
Usually, we dismiss a cold or fever as a common ailment and try to treat it with home remedies. But looking at the current situation, if you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early by visiting your family doctor. Seeking quick medical attention will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. Follow the advice given by your healthcare provider, your national and local public health authority, who will be aware of the latest development on whether COVID-19 is spreading in your area.
ZAFA Pharmaceutical Laboratories, since its inception in 1973, continues to be guided by its theology of “MEDICINES FOR ALL“ and believes in playing its role to create a healthier country by providing high quality and affordable medicines. ZAFA’s presence is now even in various African, Middle Eastern and South American countries, who also benefit from its 400 superior health care products.