Keep Your Stomach Acid Down

When you get a burning feeling in your chest you must know that it is caused by acid in your stomach that is traveling towards your esophagus due to acid reflux. That burning feeling is known as heartburn. Although, if you keep on feeling that burn in your chest, then it is known as gastro-esophagal reflux disease. Everyone experiences their bout of heartburn once in a while. However, if you are experiencing it constantly, then you should immediately visit a gastroenterologist. But, if you only experience them once in a while, then here are some of the top tips to prevent these heartburns and minimize their pain:
- Know your triggers
Each person has a list of different foods that trigger heartburn. For instance, some people get a burning feeling after they eat acidic food such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, juice, fatty foods, chocolate, peppermint, spicy foods, and even carbonated and caffeinated beverages. However, it depends on your body on how it reacts to different types of foods. Some may have a huge impact on your body meanwhile some may cause no symptoms. Therefore, it is advisable to remember what food you ate before your heartburn starts. - Take the right medicines
Another great tip on how to prevent heartburn is by taking the right kind of medicines. It is quite essential to take medicines that can keep your stomach acid down for hours, in case you are going to a business meeting or hanging out with your friends. By doing so, you can prevent embarrassment as well. It is advisable to consult with your doctors and ask them what kind of heartburn and acidity medication is best for you.Furthermore, in Pakistan, most professional doctors and experts suggest using Famtaza, one of the best medicines for heartburn and acidity. However, you must be thinking, where to buy this medicine. Luckily for you, Zafa, one of the top pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan, is offering Famtaza at a very reasonable price. So what are you waiting for? Go order it now only from Zafa. - Elevate your head
According to recent studies, many people experience the burning feeling from heartburn at night when they are laying on their bed trying to sleep. When you are sleeping, your body is horizontal, making it quite easier for acid to travel from your stomach to your throat. To prevent this from happening, you need to make sure that you elevate your head. You can do so by putting an extra pillow below your head, which will raise your head by a few inches. - Lose a few pounds
This tip can help you in the long term as well. However, losing weight is easier said than done. While it is hard to lose weight but if you do manage to lose a few pounds, you can eliminate the heartburn. Since, extra fat can put pressure on your stomach, which in turn can force acid into your throat. You must lose weight if you want the uneasy feeling to go away permanently. - Strategize your meals
Similar to the first point, not only do you need to have proper knowledge on which food triggers your acid reflux but you also need to strategize your meals. It is advisable to eat small meals as well as no meals at least 3 hours before you go to sleep. Furthermore, make sure you do not exercise or lay down immediately after you eat. Make sure to take some rest after eating. It is quite essential to do this because when you eat large meals or when you eat too much food, your body is focusing only on making enough acid to digest the food you just ate. So, sometimes, there is not enough space for the acid in your stomach if you have eaten too much food. When this happens, the acid is pushed up into your throat, making you feel the burn in your chest. - Avoid drinking and smoking
Last but not the least, you should avoid or stop drinking and smoking altogether if you do not want to experience heartburn constantly. There are certain ingredients in both alcohol and cigarette that can weaken the esophageal sphincter which is responsible for keeping your acid stomach where it belongs, your stomach.