An umbilical cord serves as an endearing connect between the child and the mother. It’s a source of life to the child, a bond that is only shared by the mother and the child. After birth, the umbilical cord is cut from the newborn but the tip of the cord is still intact with the baby. This is where it gets extremely difficult to take care of the baby’s umbilical cord because if not taken care, the infant could die from the hazardous sepsis; caused by applying oil, spirit, Surma/Kohl, cow dung and other unsafe practices.
Treating the infant’s cord with antiseptic gel is the best care mother’s could choose for their babies. Taking charge of the rising Infant Mortality rates in Pakistan and other under-developed countries, ZAFA along with the help of WHO and UNICEF, brings a life-saving gel to all mothers for them to treat their infant’s umbilical cord.
Formulated by Chlorohexiden gluconate, Cordiclean gel is a simple solution to save newborn lives. As recommended, the gel should be applied immediately after cutting the cord. It is to be applied to the tip of the cord, the stump and around the base of the stump, repeated daily for the first week of life or until the cord is separated. The basic care will reduce bacterial infection by 20%.
Cordiclean gel is an important strategy to prevent life-threatening sepsis and cord infections in infants and it also prevents neonatal deaths. ZAFA values every infant’s life and well being just as the mother does and that is why believes in extensive care provided by Cordiclean antiseptic gel.